RouterCheck is the first consumer tool for protecting your home router, which is the gateway to your home network. Your home router is the computer in your home with the least protection, but the greatest vulnerability. If it is attacked, all the devices connected to your router are at risk. RouterCheck is like an anti-virus system for your router. It protects your router from hackers around the world, who have begun to target and attack routers.
If you'd like to learn more about the Android permissions that RouterCheck requests and why they're needed, you can read more them at
RouterCheck adalah alat konsumen pertama untuk melindungi router rumah Anda, yang merupakan pintu gerbang ke jaringan rumah Anda. Router rumah Anda adalah komputer di rumah Anda dengan perlindungan setidaknya, tapi kerentanan terbesar. Jika diserang, semua perangkat yang terhubung ke router Anda beresiko. RouterCheck adalah seperti sebuah sistem anti-virus untuk router Anda. Ini melindungi router Anda dari hacker seluruh dunia, yang telah mulai menargetkan dan router serangan.
Jika Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang izin Android bahwa permintaan RouterCheck dan mengapa mereka dibutuhkan, Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut mereka di
RouterCheck is the first consumer tool for protecting your home router, which is the gateway to your home network. Your home router is the computer in your home with the least protection, but the greatest vulnerability. If it is attacked, all the devices connected to your router are at risk. RouterCheck is like an anti-virus system for your router. It protects your router from hackers around the world, who have begun to target and attack routers.
If you'd like to learn more about the Android permissions that RouterCheck requests and why they're needed, you can read more them at